Thursday, February 24, 2011

::February 2011::


Dimulakan dengan bismiLLah.. petikan ayat quran diatas untuk peringatan buat diri ku yang sering alpa.. Hari ni birthday MIL.. 24th Feb.. sama bulan dengan menantunya.. ehhe.. :) Alhamdulillah dan call and wish petang tadi.. Moga mak terus dikurniakan oleh Allah kesihatan yang baik untuk beribadah dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu..T.kasih kerana melahirkan dan membesarkan suami yang menjadi sebahagian daripada hidup saya... :)

Detik pertama bertemu dengan MIL ketika November 2008.. heh, tak sangka pertemuan itu terus terjalin hingga ke hari ini.. :)

Kini, sejak kahwin, antara resepi yang telah di pelajari daripada MIL sepanjang 8 bulan;
- nasi tomato
- goreng pisang celup tepung [versi lain sikit]
- mee bandung
- daging goreng kicap

tu je kot rasanya.. tak ingat pulak kalu ada lagi.. huhu.. apepun, ok lah tu, boleh la menambahkan skill masakan.. Seronok gak ada 2 mak nih..hehe. Alhamdulillah, so far MIL saya baik aje, takde la pula pengalaman2 yang tak best macam dalam drama2 tuh..hehee.. [drama je kott.. :p]

Update on my 8th antenatal check up ketika scan di klinik:
- ukur lilit kepala baby, keratan rentas perut dia.. pastu dapat result ---> baby's weight is 2.5 kg.. kecik kan? [35 weeks old.. he may still gain weight day by day.. :)
- kepala dah masuk birth canal.. tp belum betul2 engage..
- heartbeat rate - 140/minit... [bagus2 doctor kata..]
- lain2 sume ok, Alhamdulillah..

- 37 weeks nanti datang check up lagi.. 9 mac 2011!

3D scan? owh, saya tak buat pun.. [wlaupun dalam hati sedih jugak...] sebab?
1. agak mahal.. rm100 lebih kott.. x mampu.. sob2.. [rm100 lebih tu boleh guna beli breast pump, breastmilk storage bottle, etc... yg lebih diperlukan..]
2. takpe la baby, just 2D scan pun good enough kan..??
3. dah tau setakat ni baby cukup sifat semua dah cukup syukur dah.. :)

Birthday tahun ni seronok.. :) nanti2 lah update, balik dulu!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

::3rd trimester anxiety!::


Lately mendapat khabar berita ramai pula kwn2/senior2 skolah, kwn2 U yang bertunang, kawin dan bakal menjadi ibu..! ^___^ alhamdulillah..! chat dengan seorang sahabat yg baru 8 weeks pregnant, mengalami morning sickness baru2 ni..minta pendapat n pandangan.. [saya baru je mengandung 1st baby, tak de la reti sgt nak bagi pandangan, tp boleh la kalu nak share sedikit sebanyak.. lain org, lain situasi yg di laluinya kan..? apa pun, setiap pengalaman tu pasti unik dan istimewa.. :)

Sejak2 dah masuk 3rd trimester ni, perasaan semakin berdebar juga.. banyak jgk la saya google di sana sini untuk tambahkan ilmu on labour n birth.. banyak juga soalan2 dari sedara mara/kawan2 seperti;

-excited tak nak dpt baby?
-normal ke ceaser nanti?
- nervous or takut x nak bersalin?

jawapan saya: mesti la excited n heppy.. ^_____^ em, kalu boleh nak la normal x tau la lg..doa2 kan lah ok.. dan yg terakhir.................................. of course laaa saya nervous, 1st time okeehhh!!! aiyooo~~

bukan emosional ye..luahan hati je.. haha.. terjumpa satu artikel yg sgt menarik ni.. sesuai dikongsikan dengan kawan2 mom-2-be sume.. yg belum preggy lg pun bleh ambil sebagai pengetahuan am..hehee. Highlighted in bold are the key points..


We share our top tips to help you overcome any concerns you have about giving birth.
Giving birth is the necessary and natural end to any pregnancy. However, for many women the worry of labour stops them from fully enjoying the 9 months they spend nurturing their developing baby before this. Getting stressed out about labour isn't good for you or baby, so to help you feel confident that you will be able to cope we share our top tips to help you overcome any worries you have about giving birth.
  • Get informed - The unknown is always frightening and finding out about the different options available to you when you go into labour can really help you to feel in control. If it's the pain that you're worried about then speak to your midwife about the different forms of pain relief that will be available so that you can decide in advance which you think will be right for you. It can also be a good idea to take a tour of the birth centre or maternity ward where you plan to have your baby so that you feel familiar with the set-up when baby decides he or she is ready to arrive.

  • Don't listen to scare stories - There's something about being pregnant that makes people feel the need to share their labour 'horror stories' with you. The media's portrayal of a stereotypical woman screaming her way through childbirth does little to allay any fears that you might have either. Despite this, it's really important to remember that every woman's experience of labour is different and just because someone you know had a bad experience, it doesn't mean that you will. Without trivialising any concerns that you have, try and remember that people have been having children for as long as they've been walking the planet so while it may seem like a daunting prospect, know that you will be able to get through labour unscathed.

  • Make a birth plan - Setting out a plan detailing where you want to give birth, what kind of pain relief you'd like, who you want with you and even details such as whether you'd like music playing can really help you to feel in control as you progress towards your baby's due date. Click here for more information on writing a birth plan.

  • Sort your support - Knowing that your partner, a parent or good friend will be there to support you both physically and emotionally during labour can help you to feel more comfortable about bringing your baby into the world. It's a good idea to choose a birth partner in advance so that you can practice the breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and even massage techniques that will come in handy when you go into labour.

  • Get your body in shape - Eating healthily and taking moderate exercise throughout your pregnancy can really help you to get in the best shape possible for labour. Exercising will also help you to relieve any stress that you're feeling and pump you full of happy-hormones that will help you to feel more confident about your ability to cope with childbirth. Practicing pelvic floor exercises on a regular basis is also a good idea as having a strong pelvic floor can help to speed up the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective.

  • Learn relaxation techniques - Whether it's visualisation techniques, focusing on an image of someone you care about or finding your 'happy place', practicing relaxation techniques throughout your pregnancy can really help you to cope with contractions once you're in labour.

  • Practice your breathing - Different breathing techniques will help in different ways as you progress through labour, initially by helping you cope with the discomfort, then to make your contractions more effective. Try to practice different breathing techniques with your birth partner as they can help you stay focused as you progress through the later stages of labour.

  • Learn about labour - Contractions usually start gently and then start to build in intensity as you progress through labour, giving you time to adapt, cope and feel in control with the way that your body is birthing your baby. Try and focus on the thought that any discomfort you are feeling is part of the NATURAL PROCESS OF CHILD BIRTH and that it is in a way a GOOD thing because it's telling you that your body is working hard to bring your baby into the world.
  • Remember every birth is different - Even if a previous birth didn't go the way you had planned, it's important to remember that it doesn't mean that it won�t this time around.

  • Share your concerns - Keeping any worries you have to yourself is only going to cause you unnecessary stress. If you're worried about labour or have any questions that you need to know the answer to in order to feel more comfortable then speak to your midwife. The AskBaby forums are also a great place to share any questions or concerns that you have.

  • Focus on the end result - Unlike pain associated with an illness, the discomfort of labour is FINITE AND UNLIKELY to last more than 24 hours. Try to remember that labour is just a means to a WONDERFUL END and that once you get through it you'll finally be able to meet the baby that you've been nurturing for the past 9 months.
So baby, don't worry, umi will be just FINE...! [positive mode]
Doa dan tawakkal~

::Terharu bila hubby bacakan doa utk saya n baby lepas solat, lipat baju baby n masukkan dalam beg hospital::

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

::Hepi 24th Birthday Sue!::


Semalam birthday cik sue, 15 Febuari 2011.. hari ni baru buat entri utk dia..hehee

Selamat Hari Lahir Sue..
ahaaa.. sudah 24 tahun kamu..!
Moga sentiasa bahagia dan dapat menyempurnakan pengajian Master anda dengan jayanya..
Sudah jadi pengapit saya, tak lama lagi kenduri kawin anda pula ya! ^_____^
Love u sue! Have a wonderful birthday!

Mia-Sue :) 8 years friends forever!

Friday, February 11, 2011

:: Refuse to step down - Memang degil ko ni, Hosni M!::


Awal pagi tadi menantikan statement yg akan dikeluarkan oleh pemimpin korup Mesir, encik Hosni M di channel Al-Jazeera.. dengar2 khabar angin sebelum ni dia akan resign, tup2 bagi statement yang dia akan remain until next election.. Heh! Berjuta rakyat Mesir berkumpul, marah la depa.. Ish2, memang tak sedar diri orang tua nih, orang dah tak suka tu sibuk lagi nak memerintah.. >___<

Sila lah bace dan saksikan berita selanjutnya di:

Moga Allah bantu mereka di sana dengan sebaik2 pertolongan..

Innaka ni'mal maula wa ni'man nassir.. Allahu akbar!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Ok, dah masuk 32 weeks today.. so rasa2 cam dah boleh start packing bag to hospital.. [huh, seram bunyi nya..] eventually akan hadapi gak kan.. so bersedia lah!

Bag baby dah ada - hadiah dari kak Azlina :) Isi je belum lagi.. So here goes the list of items that I should prepare for the special day... [Thanks to for these useful information]

For labour:

Your birth plan -------> tak reti nak buat.. eheh
Dressing gown
An old nightdress or T-shirt to wear in labour (if you don't want to wear the hospital gown)
Massage oils or lotions
Lip balm
Snacks and drinks or glucose tablets
Watch with a second hand to time contractions
Digital camera or camcorder (check with hospital first)
Relaxation materials: books, magazines etc -----> not to forget, Al-Quran as well!
Pictures of someone or something you love (the inspiration you may need to see you through to the end)
------>praying that hubby will be by my side at all times..
Water spray to cool you down
Music to listen to

For your husband or birth partner:

Change of clothes

After the birth:

Going-home outfit
Breastfeeding bras
Breast pads
Maternity pads
Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste
Old knickers/cheap knickers/disposable knickers
Ear plugs (in case you end up on a noisy ward)
Arnica tablets (may help with bruising)

For your baby:

Infant car seat
One outfit for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are easiest)
Baby blanket
One pair of socks or booties

Barang2 baby dah beli sikit2 masa ekspo yang lepas.. Dah order juga newborn set daripada Kak Misah, from mumshoppe, dapat diskaun and present lg.. :) Tapi ada a few things lagi yang belum beli.. Tu checklist lain pulak kena buat.. Next entri lah pula.. :) Ok, berdoa semuanya baik2 aje, sekarang semakin cepat letih dan mengah.. huhu. Sikit aje lg, bersabar lah!

Minta maaf kepada kwn2 [terutama kakak dorm SAMURA saya, Kak Dayah] yang walimah time cuti sekolah Mac ni, macam tak dapat je nak pegi.. tak larat kott.. Anyway, saya tetap kirim kan doa moga berbahagia hingga akhir ayat... :)
